
Behold my power!!!!!!

Thursday 16 September 2010

Music Video - Confused

Alright came in today to discover the groups have been changed again.

Is determined to sort out whatever is going on before the end of the day, going to ask Whitland whats going on because this is becoming a little annoying.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Music Video UPDATE

Change of plans, groups aint going to be moved.

Not to worry though, going to be doing a new video in a new group.


The song is now Blink 182's "What's My Age Again".

Thursday 9 September 2010

Music Video Project

All right so little to do and so much time, hang on....strike that, reverse it.

In my media I have been asked to plan a project to create...A SHRUBBERY!!!! Nah not really, its a music video. (and I was actually asked to plan it last year, go figure :P ). Rules of the game so to speak, make a music video for a song that doesn't have a music video.

Now anyone who knows me (but I will be amazed if they do, this is only my second blog post) knows that I'm a huge Sonic fan. Anyone who knows about Sonic knows that SEGA has a band called Crush 40 that makes the music. So being a fan I thought "no brainer, I'm doing a video for Crush".

Whats the song you and my group settled on "What I'm Made Of" (which is my personal fav).

On a slightly related note I actually, kinda made a music video for this already, its on my youtube account so go check it out if ya want.

18th Birthday

Well its the big day, most important date of the year. My B-Day, celebrations and cake for all.

Thats right I've turned the big 18, I can now go out and buy booze and stuff :D .

On a side point this is also my first ever blogpost, I am being forced at gun point to do this by college. More on that in my next post