
Behold my power!!!!!!

Thursday 9 September 2010

Music Video Project

All right so little to do and so much time, hang on....strike that, reverse it.

In my media I have been asked to plan a project to create...A SHRUBBERY!!!! Nah not really, its a music video. (and I was actually asked to plan it last year, go figure :P ). Rules of the game so to speak, make a music video for a song that doesn't have a music video.

Now anyone who knows me (but I will be amazed if they do, this is only my second blog post) knows that I'm a huge Sonic fan. Anyone who knows about Sonic knows that SEGA has a band called Crush 40 that makes the music. So being a fan I thought "no brainer, I'm doing a video for Crush".

Whats the song you and my group settled on "What I'm Made Of" (which is my personal fav).

On a slightly related note I actually, kinda made a music video for this already, its on my youtube account so go check it out if ya want.

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